Complete website

From: 49,00 / month for 12 months / month for 12 months

Creation of a custom website to present your company.

  • 1-3 page website
  • Optimized for search engines
  • Tailor-made creation
  • Custom domain name
  • Optimized for mobile devices
  • SSL security certificate
  • Hosting on a fast server
  • Custom business email address
  • Business listing on Google
  • Image gallery

SKU: N/A Category:

Product Description

1. Preparation

After receiving your order, please send us the following information by e-mail :

  • desired domain name
  • content (text and images)
  • information for the contact section

2. Creation

Your website mockup will be created with the provided content in 5-10 days. A link will be sent to you to test and approve the mockup.

3. Publishing

Once we receive your approval, your website will be published and it will appear after a few days in Google search results.

1. What is the time frame for creating a complete website?

The development of a complete website usually takes 20 to 25 working days. If you need a website quickly, we can also put a temporary page online with, for example, your contact information.

2. What is included in the subscription?

The creation of your website is subject to an annual subscription with a minimum commitment of one year.

The annual membership includes:

  • A domain name
  • Hosting of your website on a fast server
  • 1 GB of storage for your website data (images, PDFs, etc.)
  • Search engine listing
  • SSL Security Certificate
  • 5 work hours included for the possible update of your content
  • Maintenance and regular updating of the infrastructure

3. Is it possible to migrate my website?

Yes. Your website belongs to you and you can migrate it to another hosting provider, if you want.

4. I need a specific feature. Is it possible to add it?

We can add many features to our websites. Send us a message at, describe your needs and we will quickly send you a quote.

5. How do I change or update the content of my website?

Just send us a message to We will update your website as soon as possible.

Your subscription includes 5 hours of work to update your content. Beyond these 5 hours, the provided services will be invoiced.

6. Can my website have several domain names?

Yes, it's possible. You may want to purchase several domain names for various reasons. Contact us by e-mail and tell us which domain names you need.


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