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HANKO hides your couriers

— Article published in “Le Quotidien” on Monday April 30 and Tuesday April 1er May 2018, written by Aude Forestier

The young company born in 2016 and based in Wecker wants to modernize the world of stamps in Luxembourg, according to its creator, Sérgio Alves Santos.

The firm offers a wide range of ink and wooden stamps for both businesses and individuals. The little extra thing? A rubber plate personalized by the creator of the company.

Everyone has had an ink pad in their hands. A plastic or wooden object that allows you to imprint your mark on a sheet or an envelope. Sérgio Alves Santos knows a lot about it. Before launching HANKO, a company specializing in the sale of rubber or wooden stamps online, the 31-year-old worked for a year and a half in the stamp sector in Luxembourg. "I got to know the environment and how it workedhe says. The method employed where he worked was "too old”. Clearly, "it lacked modernity". Customers placed orders by e-mail, by post or by fax, “even by phone“, underlines Sérgio Alves Santos. And an order taken during a phone call can sometimes contain errors.

This professional experience allowed the graphic designer and web designer to learn how to create layouts for stamps. Above all, she gave him the desire tocreate a new experience for buying stamps". Why did you call it HANKO? The explanation is quite simple:hanko means ink pad in japanese“, specifies the young father of the firm who was looking for an original name for the company. In addition to loving web design and new technologies, Sérgio Alves Santos is passionate about Japanese culture. "I lived in Japan for over two years and studied Japanese at a language school in Tokyo. It was an excellent experience, it changed my way of seeing things, the world and Luxembourg a lot,” he says. Continue reading HANKO cachette vos courriers